Vertigo Outside Vertigo



Comics, Publishing, Independent, Intertextuality, Vertigo


DC Comics’ Vertigo imprint (1993-2019) has generated a significant amount of fan and scholarly interest, and has come to serve as a shorthand for a variety of distinct writing and publishing practices, including an engagement with popular genres from a literary and political prism, the articulation of serial publication and trade collections, and the coexistence of creator-owned with publisher-controlled series. This paper attempts to locate the label diachronically and synchronically, so as to take a more precise measure of its innovations. To do so, it examines a number of publishing institutions that developed alongside Vertigo or as a reaction to the label’s success – in particular Dark Horse Comics, but also DC’s own short-lived Helix label and Wildstorm studio– and argue that they shared a comparable publishing agenda during the 1990s. The texts seeks to reconstruct the complex ecosystem of which Vertigo was but a part, and argues that the imprint’s critical fortune should be understood also in light of these competing endeavors, helped Vertigo hone its identity, and helped the trends it introduced reach a necessary critical mass.

Author Biography

Nicolas Labarre, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne

Nicolas Labarre is an assistant professor at University Bordeaux Montaigne, France, where here he teaches US society and culture, comics and video games. He is the author of Heavy Metal, l’autre Métal Hurlant (2017), a transnational history of Heavy Metal magazine, and of Understanding Genres in Comics (2020). He has published several articles on the topic of adaptation into comics.




How to Cite

Labarre, N. (2021). Vertigo Outside Vertigo. Leaves, (11). Retrieved from



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