Special thanks



The editors of this issue would like to thank Nathalie Jaëck, director of Climas, and Pascale Antolin, director of Leaves journal, for their trust, as well as all the reviewers.

Author Biographies

Remy Arab-Fuentes, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne

Remy Arab-Fuentes is currently a PhD student and teaching assistant at the Michel de Montaigne University under the supervision of Pr. Nathalie Jaëck. The working title of his thesis is “Joseph Conrad—the issue of belonging”. His work focuses mainly on influence, history, tradition, and questions of genres in British literature

Isabelle Gras, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne

Isabelle Gras is a schoolteacher and a PhD student at Université Bordeaux Montaigne, under the supervision of professor Nicole Ollier, among the research team CLIMAS. Her research focuses on the relationships between text and images in picture books as well as the role of metaphor in visual and textual narration in a selection of picture books by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean, Shaun Tan, and Brian Selznick. She co-organized the conference on “The Enclave in the Anglophone World” and gave presentations at conferences in Bordeaux, at the 2015 SAES congress in Toulon and at ESSE 13th conference in Galway in 2016. In 2015, she published an article focusing on the child’s voice and gaze in dual audience literature, in Leaves.



How to Cite

Arab-Fuentes, R., Gras, I., & Perosi-Doughty, J. (2017). Special thanks. Leaves, (4). Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/280


