Making Sense in Isolation: From Wonderland to Gormenghast



Carroll, Peake, Fantasy, Imaginary worlds, Bildungsroman, Nonsense


This article suggests a comparison between Lewis Carroll’s “Alice Books” and Mervyn Peake’s Titus Groan and Gormenghast, on the grounds that both diptychs portray the irruption of a child protagonist into a fantasy world characterized by stasis, repetition, and the lack of interpersonal relations. What is more, both worlds feature oneiric elements with a distinctly nonsensical strand, which sets them apart from the reader’s “real world”; they are also enclaved in a larger, Other world (the “real” world above ground for Wonderland, the unknown lands beyond the Mud Dwellings for Gormenghast). Over the course of the narrative, both children grow up to master the rules underpinning their universes, and this understanding allows them to rebel against arbitrary constraints. While Alice decides to return to the rational world of adults, Titus chooses to venture further into the unknown; however, in both cases, the act of escaping the enclave triggers the end of the narrative, because the fantasy world of fiction is also a metaphor of the story itself.

Author Biography

Isabelle Licari-Guillaume, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne

Isabelle Licari-Guillaume is a former student of the École normale supérieure de Lyon and holds the agrégation in English. She is currently finishing her doctoral studies at the Université Bordeaux Montaigne, under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Paul Gabilliet. Drawing from cultural history as well as media aesthetics, her work focuses on DC Comics’ Vertigo imprint, and more specifically on the role played by British scriptwriters such as Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman and Grant Morrison. Isabelle Licari-Guillaume has written a number of articles on connected topics and edited Les Langages du corps dans la bande dessinée (2015). She also translated Craig Thompson’s latest graphic novel, Space Dumplins.




How to Cite

Licari-Guillaume, I. (2017). Making Sense in Isolation: From Wonderland to Gormenghast. Leaves, (4), 117–129. Retrieved from



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