Choc allergique et corps étrangers : [Safe] de Todd Haynes (1995) ou L’agression du système immunitaire et les régressions des structures communautaires



Illness, Ecocriticism, Uncanny, Suburban gothic, Pessimism


With [Safe], Todd Haynes questions the bases of the American society of the 1980s as he focuses on his heroine’s mysterious debilitating condition. The director castigates both the unchartered urbanization of an affluent society and a radically different way of life, apparently closer to nature, which echoes some of the main concepts of the New Age ideology. The irreversible deterioration of the heroine’s health creates some dark and eerie atmosphere which may then instill in the audience’s minds some ontological questioning radically tinged with pessimism.

Author Biography

Christophe Chambost, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne

Christophe Chambost is a Senior Lecturer at the University Bordeaux Montaigne. He wrote his doctorate thesis on cruelty in Ambrose Bierce’s short stories. A member of SERCIA, he has published articles on horror movies and thrillers (Carpenter, Romero, Roeg…), the filmic representation of the history of the United-States (Eastwood, Peckinpah, Scorsese…) and journalism on screen (Welles, Brooks, Levinson…). He also co-edited a book on teaching foreign languages through film.



How to Cite

Chambost, C. (2015). Choc allergique et corps étrangers : [Safe] de Todd Haynes (1995) ou L’agression du système immunitaire et les régressions des structures communautaires. Leaves, (1), 287–301. Retrieved from