Narrer le 11 septembre : Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close de Jonathan Safran Foer et In the Shadow of No Towers d'Art Spiegelman



Counter-narrative, Terror, Event, 9.11, Jonathan Safran Foer, Art Spiegelman


The name 9.11, “the telegram of [a] metonymy” (Derrida) to refer to the event that took place, points to the incomprehension brought about by terror, and signals our being beyond our capacity to connect and make sense (Nancy). This article aims at showing how Art Spiegelman (In the Shadow of No Towers) and Jonathan Safran Foer (Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close) build on a multimodal narration to own the traumatic experience and (re)establish sense-shaping structures. 9.11 changed the very nature of testimony: the narrative does not come to fill a silence that preceded it, but needs to undo the “screen testimony” written by the media. This article shows that In the Shadow of No Towers and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close are counter-narrative that both capture the traumatic blaze and set meaning-making in motion.

Author Biography

Gwen Le Cor, Paris 8 University

Gwen Le Cor is associate professor of English at the University Paris 8, and is a member of the Transferts critiques et dynamique des savoirs” research lab. She co-chairs “Text/ures” a three-year research program sponsored by the Labex Arts-H2H. The second year of the program questions “The Book Object and its Text/ures: Hybridization, Transposition, Transmediation”. Her recent research focuses on hybridity and its figures, on the nexus of literature and science, as well as on contemporary American literature. She published articles on the print and digital works of Jen Bervin, Percival Everett, Jonathan Safran Foer, Flannery O’Connor, Art Spiegelman, Stephanie Strickland, Steve Tomasula and Robert Penn Warren. She also worked on scientific discourse, on the literature-computer science nodes, and more generally on digital humanities.



How to Cite

Le Cor, G. (2015). Narrer le 11 septembre : Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close de Jonathan Safran Foer et In the Shadow of No Towers d’Art Spiegelman. Leaves, (1), 27–39. Retrieved from



I.1. Répercussions : Les temps de l’après-coup