New York, 11 septembre 2001 : choc hystérique, choc historique ? Une question de point de vue dans Untitled de Fiorenza Menini



Fiorenza Menini, Untitled, 9/11, Testimony, Documentary, Counter-narrative


Through the study of Fiorenza Menini’s art film Untitled, this article wishes to analyze how, on the very day after the attacks on the World Trade Center on the 11th of September, 2001, other ways of homage and testimony were able to appear within the hysterical world of instantaneousness. As a transmitter, the artist utilizes indeed the field of the real in order to have a chance to give it a place inside the history shared by his/her contemporaries. The work of remembrance, on remembrance, lies thus at the core of his/her mission. He/she is the one who can decipher and incorporate the event in the history of a collective memory. Following this trend, our analysis tries to show that Fiorenza Menini, in the way she confronts her viewer with the event in itself, forces him/her to single it out up to its re-inscription in a real chronology. The event can thus be commemorated as a shared, historical memory, far from its hysterical representation in the media. Untitled would then expose us to this memorial ethics through its re-presentation of the event, in total opposition with the other representations of it in the immediate after-shock.

Author Biography

Yves Davo, Bordeaux Montaigne University

Yves Davo is an associate professor in Anglophone studies at the Montesquieu Institute of Technology of the university of Bordeaux, France, and a member of the research laboratory CLIMAS (EA 4196). His research focuses on the post-9/11 US fictions including novels, short stories, poetry, comics, graphic novels, cinema, TV series or visual arts. He has published in French and in English several articles on the subject, on Jay McInerney, Art Spiegelman, Michal Kosakowski, Alissa Torres, or Laila Halaby.



How to Cite

Davo, Y. (2015). New York, 11 septembre 2001 : choc hystérique, choc historique ? Une question de point de vue dans Untitled de Fiorenza Menini. Leaves, (1), 19–26. Retrieved from



I.1. Répercussions : Les temps de l’après-coup