Le travail de classification de l’OuBaPo, ou la mise en normes de l’excentricité


  • Côme Martin Universities of Paris IV-Sorbonne and Paris Est-Créteil


Abstraction, L’Association, Comics, Constrained creation, OuBaPo


The OuBaPo, officially created in 1992, included in its very first work (OuPus 1) a classification and definition of its devices in a strict, yet evolutive, list of constraints (like its elder, the OuLiPo). In the OuPus, Thierry Groensteen defines a taxonomy in two main branches, generative and transformative constraints, which has generated two simultaneous movements within the Ouvroir: experimenting with existing constraints to produce new works or inventing new constraints that can be classified in turn; more rarely, including in the OuBaPo library works that are not part of the group, either because their authors are not members (Marc-Antoine Mathieu) or because the works were produced before 1992 (Gustave Verbeek).

One can thus consider the OuBaPo as a means to classify and formalize a number of constraints that may be considered eccentric, be they formal, narrative or aesthetic. As a consequence, works that distance themselves from more conventional stories and forms cannot be conceptualized outside of a canon flexible enough to include them, but which de facto rejects other experimentations, such as infranarrative comics. Besides, through its endeavor the OuBapo presents a historical selection of what can be considered atypical in comics, concealing several non-OuBaPian eccentricities and arbitrarily integrating others.

Author Biography

Côme Martin, Universities of Paris IV-Sorbonne and Paris Est-Créteil

Côme Martin holds a PhD in American contemporary literature; his research focuses on the relations between text and image and on the material shapes of the book, in comics as well as novels. He is an associated member of the GRENA laboratory in Paris IV-Sorbonne and the TIES research group in Paris Est-Créteil.



How to Cite

Martin, C. (2018). Le travail de classification de l’OuBaPo, ou la mise en normes de l’excentricité. Leaves, (6). Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/300