Introduction : Diaspora ou communauté transnationale ?


  • Michel Bruneau French National Centre for Scientific Research image/svg+xml


Diaspora, Transnational community, Migrations, Identity, Violence


All kinds of exodus or exile do not necessarily lead to the building of a diaspora. The immigrants’ bonds of identity with their original societies are the stronger as they have gone through conflictual situations or extreme violence. In a diaspora, a sense of belonging, an identity must be kept over time, through a conscious decision and even owing to some stubborn, relentless effort. A transnational community appears after the building of the Nation-State. This postcolonial and post-national phenomenon results from emigration from territorialized Nation-States. The Asian continent gave way to diasporas or transnational communities that differ in their respective geneses. The examples of the Chinese and Indian diasporas are developed, but also the Vietnamese, Khmer, and Korean diasporas, as well as that of a Philippino transnational community in North America and in the Caribbean area.

Author Biography

Michel Bruneau, French National Centre for Scientific Research

Michel Bruneau, a geographer, is Director of Research emeritus in CNRS (National Centre of Scientific Research) and Bordeaux University. He initiated his research in the villages of Northern Thailand in 1966-1970, with the help of Chiang Mai University. His doctorate dissertation (doctorat d’État) at the University of Sorbonne (Paris IV) dealt with Northern Thailand rural society and development (1977). He wrote a geo-history of Southeast Asia focusing on the territorial logics of the States over a long span of time: L’Asie d’entre Inde et Chine : logiques territoriales des États (Belin, 2006). He is also working on diasporas and transnational spaces with a transdisciplinary approach : Diasporas et espaces transnationaux (Economica, 2004). He has published numerous articles in international scientific journals, as well as chapters in collective books related to those two main research subjects, in French, English, and Greek. He recently published another geo-historical book, De l’Asie Mineure à la Turquie : minorités, homogénéisation ethno-nationale, diasporas (CNRS-Editions, 2015), which has been translated and will be soon published in Greek (ekd Kyriakidis), Turk and Arabic.



How to Cite

Bruneau, M. (2018). Introduction : Diaspora ou communauté transnationale ?. Leaves, (6). Retrieved from



Dossier 1 : Diasporas et migrations asiatiques aux États- Unis. Traumatismes de guerre et écritures féminines