Special thanks



The editors of this issue would like to thank the scientific committee: Cyril Camus (CPGE / CAS, Toulouse-Jean Jaurès), Yves Davo (Université de Bordeaux), Magali Fleurot (Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne), Fabienne Gaspari (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour), Virginie Iché (Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3), Nathalie Jaëck (Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne), Nicolas Labarre (Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne), Paule Lévy (Université de Versailles-St Quentin), Cécile Marshall (Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne), Nicole Ollier (Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne), Françoise Palleau-Papin (Université Paris 13), Marc Porée (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3), Stéphanie Ravez (Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne), Cécile Roudeau (Université Paris Diderot), Arnaud Schmitt (Université de Bordeaux), Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud (Université de Toulouse-Jean Jaurès).

Author Biography

Stéphanie Durrans, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne

Stéphanie Durrans is Professor of American literature at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne (France). She is the author of The Influence of French Culture on Willa Cather: Intertextual References and Resonances (2007) and of Willa Cather’s My Ántonia: A Winter’s Journey (2016). She has published widely on 19th- and 20th-century women writers, with a special focus on questions of intertextuality and transatlantic literary relationships.



How to Cite

Durrans, S., & Dufaure, S. (2018). Special thanks. Leaves, (5). Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/290