La vulnérabilité et la grâce : lecture croisée de deux nouvelles, « Greenleaf » de Flannery O’Connor (1956) et « Real Estate » de Lorrie Moore (1998)



Flannery O’Connor, Lorrie Moore, Intertextuality, Vulnerability, Grace, Grotesque, Vulnerable form


This paper aims at comparing two short stories, Flannery O’Connor’s “Greenleaf” and Lorrie Moore’s “Real Estate”. Linked by numerous thematic echoes (intrusions, duplications, Christ figures, violent deaths) and multiple narrative strategies (blurring of limits, tragic patterns), these two texts create a link between defeat and gratitude, vulnerability and grace. They illustrate various motifs of permeability that account for a weakening of the protagonists along with a kind of formal porosity that is increased by the intertextual dynamics itself establishing a fruitful dialogue between the two stories.

Author Biography

Myriam Bellehigue, Sorbonne University

Myriam Bellehigue is Senior Lecturer at the University of Paris-Sorbonne and a member of VALE. She is the author of a thesis and several articles on Elizabeth Bishop’s poetry and prose. Recently she has worked on poetry and short fiction (Flannery O’Connor, Louise Erdrich, May Swenson, Carol Ann Duffy, Amit Chaudhuri, Lorrie Moore), focusing on the thematics and aesthetics of exile and on intertextual issues.



How to Cite

Bellehigue, M. (2017). La vulnérabilité et la grâce : lecture croisée de deux nouvelles, « Greenleaf » de Flannery O’Connor (1956) et « Real Estate » de Lorrie Moore (1998). Leaves, (3). Retrieved from



Vulnérabilité et fiction