L’ Écriture polyphonique sino-américaine : entre étonnements et tâtonnements



Memoir, Chinese-American, Childhood, Feminine, Voice


By discussing two literary works inscribed in the horizon of expectation of memorial writing—The Woman Warrior. Memoirs of a Girlhood Among Ghosts (1976) and Among the White Moon Faces. An Asian-American Memoir of Homelands (1996)— this paper explores the manner and the voice in which the child makes herself heard in these texts. By means of analyses of narratives and mechanisms that engage with and express the imageries and the traces of childhood, we shall see how the return to childhood entails deliberate variations of narrative voices and distances. The two writers propose problematic representations that accentuate the role of childhood, while dismissing the possibility of both its exact measure and contours, as well as of any precise knowledge and mastery of it.

Author Biography

Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni, Paris Nanterre University

Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni is a Senior Lecturer at ISTOM (Grande École d’Ingénieurs). She is affiliated with the CREA (Centre de Recherches Anglophones, Paris Ouest Nanterre University). Her different research activities concern Chinese-American literature. After having successfully defended a doctoral thesis on self-writing and its evolutions in the works of Maxine Hong Kingston and Shirley Geok-lin Lim, at Paris Diderot University in June 2011, she is currently engaged in an exploration of non-Anglophone textual productions only recently recognized as belonging to American literature, more precisely of Yan Geling’s work. More recently, her interest in Ruth Ozeki’s writing has led her to delve into contemporary Japanese-American fictional and self-referential representations. She has co-edited with Sämi Ludwig the volume On the Legacy of Maxine Hong Kingston. The Mulhouse Book, published in January 2014 by Lit Verlag in the series Contributions to Asian American Literary Studies.



How to Cite

Alexoae-Zagni, N. (2016). L’ Écriture polyphonique sino-américaine : entre étonnements et tâtonnements. Leaves, (2), 114–126. Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/218



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