L’ Enfant en prise avec l’altérité chez Elizabeth Bishop



Defamiliarization, Alterity, Retrieving, Endurance, Elusiveness


This paper explores the choice of a child’s focalization or narration in some of Elizabeth Bishop’s poems and short stories to show that they are closely linked to the questions of uprootedness and loss that are inscribed in those writings. This analysis thus proposes to investigate how defamiliarization and various skirting processes are at work in such choices, and what possibilities they offer in terms of creation; how they enable alterity to be reached and tamed, and what is elusive to be retrieved and recaptured in representation.

Author Biography

Lhorine François, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne

Lhorine François is a Senior Lecturer at the University Bordeaux Montaigne. She is the author of a doctoral thesis on The Shapings of the Lyrical Subject in Elizabeth Bishop’s Writings. She has published various articles about the same author. She is a member of “Passages,” a collective translation team, which has published various collections of translated poetry as well as articles about collective translation.



How to Cite

François, L. (2016). L’ Enfant en prise avec l’altérité chez Elizabeth Bishop. Leaves, (2), 104–113. Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/217



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