Push de Sapphire : de l’invisibilité mutique au récit-témoignage, ou comment se reconstruire après le chaos



Trauma, Confession, Scriptotherapy, Working-through, Interaction


An introspective and interactive narrative written on the confessional mode, Push relates the reconstruction of Precious, an obese and illiterate teenager. The victim of incest by her own parents, she gives birth to two children –including one with a trisomic disorder. The (anti)heroine resorts to “scriptotherapy”, a strategy that notably echoes that of Celie in The Color Purple or Jefferson in A Lesson Before Dying. Her living, phonetic and rhythmical writing brings back traumatic memories, while her coarse language reveals the sordid character of the abuses she has endured. By giving voice to the narrator, this palimpsestuous text testifies to her chaotic life, both on the formal and thematic levels, as the novel blends pure narration, dialogue, naïve sketches and poems on a sometimes blacked-out page –symbolic of this female survivor’s “working-through”, which is still only a laborious, yet promising, “work in progress”.

Author Biography

Valérie Croisille, University of Limoges

A senior lecturer currently teaching in the University of Limoges, France, Valérie Croisille is a specialist in Afro-American and Southern literatures, and more particularly studies the questions of orality, writing, the relation between story and history, memory, heritage, and trauma. She is the author of an essay on the complete works of Louisiana contemporary Black American writer Ernest J. Gaines (Ernest J. Gaines, Griot du Nouveau-Monde [2006]), and wrote articles in English and French on the novels and short stories of many other major figures of US literature, notably George Washington Cable, Richard Ford, David Bradley, Alice Walker, Joan California Cooper, Sapphire, Phyllis Alesia Perry, Gayl Jones, and Toni Morrison. Her research now especially focuses on the representation of traumatic memory in women’s neo-slave narratives.



How to Cite

Croisille, V. (2015). Push de Sapphire : de l’invisibilité mutique au récit-témoignage, ou comment se reconstruire après le chaos. Leaves, (1), 249–259. Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/198



II.1. Reconstructions : Se reconstruire - Récit, Témoignage, Archive