Formes de l'indicible : confessions picturales de victimaires (Colombie)



Colombia, Paintings, War, Small farmers, Collective testimony


This article analyses the works and the impact of several painting workshops organized by artist, Juan Manuel Echavarría in 2007 and which lasted for two years, with the aim of allowing the fighters of the irregular war which has devastated the remotest places in Colombia and mostly affected small farmers to tell with pictures and colours their participation in the conflict. This project will become an exhibition, La guerra que no hemos visto (The war we have not seen). The exhibition constitutes an exceptional pictorial document in so far as, for once, the victimaries (paramilitaries, soldiers, guerrilleros) and not the victims took part in it. Their productions are autobiographical and anonymous accounts, but they also form a collective confession and a testimony about everyday life during warfare as well as a declaration against war.

Author Biography

Marie Estripeaut-Bourjac, University of Bordeaux

Marie Estripeaut-Bourjac is a Senior Lecturer at the ESPE Aquitaine-Université de Bordeaux in Roman studies as well as in Language sciences. She is also a member of CLARE (University Bordeaux-Montaigne). Her research is on Latin-American avant-gardes, testimonial and autobiographic writing, memory and the role of the arts in the building of peace in Colombia as well as gender studies. She has published two books:L’Écriture de l’urgence en Amérique Latine (Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2012),Palabras de mujeres: Proyectos de vida y memoria colectiva (Siglo del Hombre Editores, Bogotá, 2012) and co-edited with Nicolas Sembel , Femmes, travail et métiers de l'enseignement : rapports de genre, rapports de classe, Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre (2014); ); with Maryse Renaud, El mal en la literatura latinoamericana, CRLA-Archivos, Université de Poitiers (2015); with Dominique Gay-Sylvestre, Mixité et éducation : pratiques sociales et dimensions culturelles, Presses Universitaires de Limoges, PULIM (2015).



How to Cite

Estripeaut-Bourjac, M. (2015). Formes de l’indicible : confessions picturales de victimaires (Colombie). Leaves, (1), 188–200. Retrieved from



II.1. Reconstructions : Se reconstruire - Récit, Témoignage, Archive