Propositions pour une approche thérapeutique du trauma chez les migrants



Migrants, Trauma, Psychotherapy, Body psychotherapy


Working with people living in precarious conditions with the help of a mobile staff of psychiatry and precariousness in the great Bordeaux, the author and his staff have met many migrants who experienced traumas either in their native countries and/or during their journey to Europe, and/or during their stay in France. First, the author recalls how the trauma attacks the person, as much in their corporal image as in their temporality, which can lead to a loss of identity and a loss of relationship with their community. Then, he describes the kind of care he gives to traumatized migrants, the targets, the meanings and progress that can be achieved. This implies first helping people to recover some self-consistency and a feeling of security to face spatial and temporal dislocation. Secondly, it means trying to approach the trauma itself and the terror that reminiscence reactivates continuously. This approach is confronted to the limits of using speech to come closer to that terror that exists beyond words. Such limitations encourage the use of mediations through art or the body.

Author Biography

Christophe Lagabrielle, Centre Hospitalier Charles Perrens

Christophe LAGABRIELLE est psychiatre à l’Hôpital Charles Perrens à Bordeaux. Après avoir exercé au sein du service universitaire d’addictologie pendant dix ans, il anime depuis 2009 l’Équipe Mobile de Psychiatrie et Précarité (EMPP) de la Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux, qui offre des soins en santé mentale aux personnes en situation de précarité. C’est ainsi qu’il accueille et accompagne de nombreux migrants ayant subi des traumatismes, que ce soit dans leur pays, au cours de leur voyage de migration ou lors de leur arrivée en Europe.

Il s’intéresse à la question du traumatisme depuis plus de dix ans, aussi bien du point de vue de la clinique, de la psychopathologie, des différentes approches psychothérapeutiques, que de la neurophysiologie et de la pharmacothérapie.



How to Cite

Lagabrielle, C. (2015). Propositions pour une approche thérapeutique du trauma chez les migrants. Leaves, (1), 177–187. Retrieved from



II.1. Reconstructions : Se reconstruire - Récit, Témoignage, Archive