L’ Ombre du mythe : Frankenstein délivré (Brian Aldiss), une relecture du Prométhée moderne ?



Frankenstein, Myth, Science-fiction, Aldiss


In the introduction to his Dictionary of literary myths, Pierre Brunel suggests that literature is a repository of myths, and that since myth comes to us coated with literature, it is already literary. Conversely, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a literary narrative which became mythical thanks to multiple rewrites and adaptations across multiple literary genres and media. It is the very intermediality of Shelley’s work that Brian Aldiss questions in Frankenstein Unbound (1973): he does not rewrite the original novel but extends the literary myth and introduces an unprecedented variation through science fiction. With this new sci-fi dimension, Aldiss does not adapt the original narrative to a new medium (such as theater, cinema or comic book), but to a new literary genre, a new register, one which was built to a large extent using Shelley’s novel as its strongest foundation.

Author Biography

Clément Hummel, University of Caen Normandy

Clément Hummel is a PhD student at Caen University, where he has been studying the literary work of French author J.-H. Rosny aîné since 2014, for a doctoral thesis supervized by Brigitte Diaz, entitled “Modernités du roman scientifique chez J.-H. Rosny aîné”. He has written several papers on this author, published in particular at Res Futurae, Galaxies science-fiction, and Dimension Merveilleux-Scientifique; he has also written several prefaces to reissues of texts related to the French merveilleux-scientifique (scientific romance). With Brigitte Diaz he has directed a collective volume on the literary work of Rosny aîné, about to be published in the journal Elseneur (Presses Universitaires de Caen). His research also focuses on the visual imagination of scientific romance in contemporary comic books and graphic novels.



How to Cite

Hummel, C. (2020). L’ Ombre du mythe : Frankenstein délivré (Brian Aldiss), une relecture du Prométhée moderne ?. Leaves, (9). Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/339



II. Metafictional Frankensteins