Regards croisés d’intellectuels d/lakotas : Charles Alexander Eastman, Luther Standing Bear, et Zitkala-Sa vivent et pensent l’éducation des Autochtones au tournant du XXe siècle



Red Progressives, Indigenous activism, Education, Assimilation, Boarding school


This study endeavors to outline the parallel paths taken by three D/Lakota individuals who lived at the beginning of the twentieth century and wrote about their experiences within the federal Indian school system that sought to assimilate them into mainstream society. Through Charles Alexander Eastman’s, Zitkala-Sa’s and Luther Standing Bear’s perspectives, this study brings together memories of their experience as students and educators, and underlines their profound attachment to their Indigenous culture. Besides, the very fact that they wrote their autobiographies in an attempt to counter stereotypes and have their voices heard participates in this resistance, as they become the ones defining the terms.

Author Biography

Claire Anchordoqui, Toulouse - Jean Jaurès University

Claire Anchordoqui is a PhD student in American Studies at the Université Toulouse Jean Jaures. She conducts her research under the supervision of Professors Anne Stefani and Lionel Larré and her interests lie in the evolution of the teaching of history to the Indigenous nations of South Dakota (19th century to now). She published an article on tribal sovereignty in schools in the Revue Française des Études Américaines as well as two chapters in collective works on educational policies under Obama (pub. Presses Universitaires du Midi) and on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Indigenous nations (pub/ IHEAL Éditions). She currently teaches American studies in the English Department of the Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès.



How to Cite

Anchordoqui, C. (2023). Regards croisés d’intellectuels d/lakotas : Charles Alexander Eastman, Luther Standing Bear, et Zitkala-Sa vivent et pensent l’éducation des Autochtones au tournant du XXe siècle. Leaves, (16), 94–114. Retrieved from