L’ Effet de choc climatique dans Orlando de Virginia Woolf et Ice d’Anna Kavan



Accident, Time, Identity, Mise en abyme, Shock


The passage of Big Frost in Orlando by Virginia Woolf and the novel Ice by Anna Kavan are wondering consequences of a shock and the crisis, expressed by a disoriented weather and an abnormal cold. Stories are trying to grasp how the character and society react, get used to or lose control when they are confronted with an abnormal phenomenon that they can’t understand and can’t control neither. We are well and truly in surreal and in the fantastic but not agree with some critics who just wanted to see in Orlando, a fantasist story and in Ice a science fiction novel. These works observe a supernatural phenomenon which gain ground and which the two main characters are trying to escape, but the threat is above all psychological. I intend to read these novels as introspection’s stories focusing the writing project and its traps menacing author’s psychological integrity.

Author Biography

Nelly Fray, Bordeaux Montaigne University

Nelly Fray lives and works in Dordogne as an editor‑in‑chief of the newspaper Réussir le Périgord. Researcher within research laboratory CLARES of University of Bordeaux-Montaigne, she defended her doctoral thesis in comparative literature on Time and transgression in the fictional works of Virginia Woolf and Nathalie Sarraute.



How to Cite

Fray, N. (2015). L’ Effet de choc climatique dans Orlando de Virginia Woolf et Ice d’Anna Kavan. Leaves, (1), 94–106. Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/47



I.1. Répercussions : Les temps de l’après-coup