Brexit: are pro-European grassroots activists a community?



European Union, Brexit, Great Britain, Community, Activism


In the aftermath of the referendum on continued membership of the European Union, the United Kingdom was left in disarray and pro-Europeans in shock. Since 23 June 2016 British people have been sucked in the Brexit turmoil and whilst 52% of British citizens voted to leave, some activists lost confidence in politics and have decided to stop Brexit. Feeling abandoned, ignored and fooled by their politicians, ‘Remainers’ have rekindled their love for Europe by setting up local grassroots campaign groups to keep the UK in the EU. This paper will examine grassroots activism in the UK and Europe and whether or not they constitute a community. Empirical data collected between 2017 and 2019 will allow us to know more about their organisation, structure and long-term goals. More importantly field work will try to show whether the grassroots pro-EU movement shows similarities with what defines a community. From activists operating locally to Millbank Tower in the heart of the City, where national groups gathered in April 2018, for the past four years pro-EU activists have been joining forces to make their attachment to Europe heard and visible.

Author Biography

Marie A. Perrière, Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès

Marie Aouanes-Perrière is a PhD candidate at the University of Toulouse Jean-Jaures and the University of Bristol. Since the 2016 referendum results and the crisis they have engendered, one can observe a resurgence of a pro-European feeling in the United Kingdom as well as in continental Europe where 900,000 British expatriates live. Her PhD strives after making a list of the different pro-European initiatives that have seen the light of day since 2016 but also to draw up a typology of the movement, to study its potential impact on the negotiations with Brussels, to assess how these initiatives will or will not lead to a political reconfiguration as much at the European level as in Westminster.




How to Cite

Perrière, M. (2022). Brexit: are pro-European grassroots activists a community?. Leaves, (14), 42–57. Retrieved from