“The Imaginary Lines of a Twilight Country”: Fiction as Enclave in Conrad’s Nostromo



Conrad, Enclave, Heterotopia, Synecdoche, Nostromo


By flaunting the artificiality of the landscape of Nostromo, Conrad encourages the reader to consider the enclave of Sulaco as a mise-en-abyme of fiction within fiction, thereby turning both the enclave Sulaco and its narration into heterotopic spaces. As such, the relationship that binds the enclave and the world outside of it is proved to be the same as the one binding fiction and reality, promoting the synecdoche as the dominant figure in Nostromo and paving the way for the modernist poetics of fragmentation.

Author Biography

Remy Arab-Fuentes, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne

Remy Arab-Fuentes is currently a PhD student and teaching assistant at the Michel de Montaigne University under the supervision of Pr. Nathalie Jaëck. The working title of his thesis is “Joseph Conrad—the issue of belonging”. His work focuses mainly on influence, history, tradition, and questions of genres in British literature.




How to Cite

Arab-Fuentes, R. (2017). “The Imaginary Lines of a Twilight Country”: Fiction as Enclave in Conrad’s Nostromo. Leaves, (4), 151–163. Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/277



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