Exposer la blessure : la métaphore photographique, expression de la vulnérabilité d’une génération dans l’œuvre de Rosamond Lehmann



Lehmann, Photography, British literature, Metaphor, Modernism, Vulnerability


Rosamond Lehmann’s works hinge on the notion of wound. The modernist writer depicts women who come across as outcasts and whose relationships are bound to fail, owing to the difficulty of understanding each other. Yet, the representation of individuals evolving in a disenchanted world seems to screen the collective trauma of the Great War. During WWI, the British civilian population was faced with photographs of the battlefields which revealed the unbearable horror of countless dead bodies and stood as overwhelming evidence of one’s inherent vulnerability. Lehmann’s writing is fraught with covert references to that visual shock, which lends a ghost-like quality to her novels. Thanks to the creation of a fruitful photographic imagery, the author exposes the fragility of the modern subject while transcending it at the same time. Thus, the photographic metaphor becomes a means to examine and explore the vulnerability of an entire generation, as part of a metaphysical quest about the status of the modern subject.

Author Biography

Jessica Le Flem, University of Rennes 2

Jessica Le Flem est agrégée d’anglais, Ater au département d’anglais de l’université Rennes 2. Doctorante au CELLAM (Centre d’Etudes des Littératures et Langues Anciennes et Modernes), associée au projet de photo-littérature Phlit (www.phlit.org), et membre de l’association Ad hoc (Association des Jeunes Chercheurs du Cellam), elle prépare une thèse intitulée « Œil photographique et incarnation dans l’œuvre de Rosamond Lehmann » sous la direction de Nicole Terrien. Ses recherches portent sur la photo-littérature et le modernisme tardif dans la littérature britannique. jessica.leflem@yahoo.fr



How to Cite

Le Flem, J. (2017). Exposer la blessure : la métaphore photographique, expression de la vulnérabilité d’une génération dans l’œuvre de Rosamond Lehmann. Leaves, (3). Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/261



Vulnérabilité et fiction