Infantilisation, minoration et régionalisation dans Lark and Termite de Jayne Anne Phillips



Appalachia, Rehabilitation, Literature and history, Poetics and politics


In this paper, we analyze how the novel Lark and Termite (2009) seems to encapsulate Jayne Anne Phillips’s vision of childhood. Through the marginal figure of Termite, a nine-year old orphan child suffering from hydrocephalia, the author denounces the “appalachanisation” of her native region as a phenomenon of infantilization. If the withdrawn, abject figure of Termite seems at first sight to symbolize the exclusion of Appalachia as a bastard, illegitimate region, it is also explored as a romantic setting of nostalgia and lost innocence symbolizing the nation’s doubts and ambivalences about its own identity. Just like Emerson’s trope of “the child as poet,” Termite shows extraordinary poetic powers when observing and absorbing the world around and testifies to an original vision likely to undermine major modes of perception. Through Termite’s sensory breakthroughs and prophetic visions, Phillips explores the transgressive figure of the child as a means of re-centering Appalachia (a regional space that has been historically marginalized, perceived in the popular culture as an illegitimate offspring of the nation), of reasserting and rehabilitating it by exploring phenomenological difference as an endless source of poetic creation rather than as a weakness to stigmatize.

Author Biography

Sarah Dufaure, Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne

Sarah Dufaure teaches in the English Department of the University Bordeaux Montaigne and is a member of the research team CLIMAS. In November 2015, she defended a doctoral thesis in American Studies on The Poetics of Appalachian Space in the Writings of Jayne Anne Phillips and Meredith Sue Willis. Her research focuses on the history, culture, and literature of the Appalachian South, which she studies essentially from an environmental, postcolonial, and political perspective.



How to Cite

Dufaure, S. (2016). Infantilisation, minoration et régionalisation dans Lark and Termite de Jayne Anne Phillips. Leaves, (2), 140–148. Retrieved from



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