Pouvoir se reconstruire ? La réinsertion des anciens combattants d’Irak et d’Afghanistan : initiatives privées, politiques publiques



Veterans’ Associations, Public policies to transition to civilian life, Employment, Homelessness, Physical and mental disabilities


Between 2011 and 2014, two million six hundred thousand American soldiers who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan have returned home. Some of them are badly wounded. This article aims at showing the numerous hurdles the veterans have been faced with while transitioning from military to civilian life. It shows the part played by associations founded by veterans from these wars in order to help their brothers in arms to find adequate housing, succeed in securing a new job, break their loneliness and fight traumas by bringing a helping hand to others in need. When he took office, President Obama who had voted against military intervention in Iraq, pledged to use all the resources of his administration in order to meet the needs of the troops returning home. Michelle Obama and Jill Biden also played a key role through their unfailing support for military families. The efficiency of the measures taken over the last six years are assessed as well as the challenges still to be met.

Author Biography

Elisabeth Boulot, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée

Elisabeth Boulot is senior lecturer at the Université Paris Est Marne-la-Vallée, France. She is accredited to supervise doctoral studies in American Studies. Her main areas of research are American Politics and Law.

Recent publications: Elisabeth Boulot, Ed. Politique, démocratie et culture à l’ère du numérique. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2011; « Le Social Security Act (1935): loi emblématique du New Deal politique, économique et social des années Roosevelt c. Les années Roosevelt aux Etats-Unis (1932-1945): entre New Deal et ‘Home Front ». Frédéric Robert. Ed. Paris: Ellipses, 2013, 133-44; « Mourn the Dead, Heal the Wounded. End the War: Women’s Contributions to Protest Culture During the Iraq War ». Loss and Innocence: Representations of War and National Identity in the United States. Cristina Alsina Riquez and Cynthia Stretch. Eds. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, 169-192; « Combating Age Discrimination in the Workplace: A Study of the United States’ Rights-Based Response ». Alive and Kicking at All Ages: Cultural Constructions of Health and Life Course Identity. Ulla Kriebernegg, Roberta Maierhofer, Barbara Ratzenböck. Eds. Biefeld, Autriche: Transcript Verlag, 2014, 131-149; « William Rehnquist, Sandra O’Connor, Anthony Kennedy et la défense du pouvoir des états ». Les Républicains : De Dwight D. Eisenhower à George W. Bush (1952-2008). Frédéric Robert. Ed. Paris: Ellipses, 2015, 109-122.



How to Cite

Boulot, E. (2015). Pouvoir se reconstruire ? La réinsertion des anciens combattants d’Irak et d’Afghanistan : initiatives privées, politiques publiques. Leaves, (1), 303–317. Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/203



II.3. Reconstructions : Apories et limites de la reconstruction