The Role of Victims’ Testimonies in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland


  • Fabrice Mourlon Université Paris 13-Sorbonne Paris Cité


Testimony, Dealing with the past, Victims/survivors, Northern Ireland, Archives


The role of testimony is the subject of an old-time and on-going debate among historians, and yet it has been a concern in post-conflit societies since survivors of the Holocaust came to testify at the various Tribunals set up after the Second World War. Since the Good Friday Agreement of 1998, civil society and government institutions in Northern Ireland have embarked in a chaotic process of dealing with the past in which victims and survivors have a role to play. One of the solutions seems to collect narratives from people who have been most affected by violence for 35 years. Based on local initiatives, this article aims at questioning the role and impact of these accounts in a post-conflict context to build a sustainable peace.

Author Biography

Fabrice Mourlon, Université Paris 13-Sorbonne Paris Cité

Fabrice Mourlon est Maître de Conférences à l’Université Paris 13-Sorbonne Paris Cité où il enseigne dans le département de Langues Etrangères Appliquées (LEA). Après avoir soutenu sa thèse de Doctorat en 2009 sur « l’aide aux victimes du conflit nord-irlandais : 1969-2006 », ses recherches se sont portées sur les mécanismes de résolution de conflit en Irlande du Nord, notamment le travail de mémoire, la place et le rôle des victimes/survivants, la société civile. Il travaille actuellement sur les témoignages de victimes/survivants dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire




How to Cite

Mourlon, F. (2015). The Role of Victims’ Testimonies in Post-Conflict Northern Ireland. Leaves, (1), 201–215. Retrieved from



II.1. Reconstructions : Se reconstruire - Récit, Témoignage, Archive