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Communication & Organisation will consider proposals from both established researchers and doctoral students, working in the fields of Information and Communication Sciences and, more broadly, in the Humanities and Social Sciences, as long as the topics are consistent with the journal’s editorial policy. The Book Reviews section will also consider submissions from students in Master’s programs, following a request from a professor.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Before submitting their manuscripts, authors should be aware that all submissions for the Collection of articles and Varia sections are “double blind” peer-reviewed by two reviewers, according to the high standards of international academic journals. Should there be a difference of opinion between the reviewers, a third reviewer is called in. An appeal may be lodged if the result of the evaluation is contested. In this case, the article is evaluated by two new reviewers (see the ethical statement). For the Interviews, Experiments, Latest Research and Book Reviews sections, submissions are reviewed by members of the editorial team, who review, proofread and validate each article before publication.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items.

  • The manuscript has not been submitted simultaneously to any other journal.
  • As the journal Communication & Organisation only accepts original and unpublished articles, authors guarantee that their contribution is unpublished and entirely original. In particular, the authors affirm that their contribution contains no borrowing from another work of any nature whatsoever which would be likely to engage the responsibility of the publisher.
  • The manuscript is written in French, unless prior agreement has been reached with the editorial team. For translated articles originally published non-French, authors are required to obtain permission from the original publisher, and to indicate in the manuscript the source of the original publication.
  • The submission is in accordance with the journal’s editorial policy.
  • Authors have read and accept the journal's Ethical statement.
  • The manuscript is submitted both in .docx (Word) and PDF formats.
  • The manuscript complies with the author guidelines. Please note that only submissions that meet the journal’s typesetting standards will be considered.
  • If illustrations are used, the authors must have requested permission to reproduce them —the document prouving the authorization being attached with the submission—, and must have paid any royalties.
  • All images are submitted as independent, usable files (300 dpi, .TIFF / .TIF format or high definition PDF).
  • Any URL link inserted in the text is viable.
  • The bibliography and citations must be integrated according to the APA standard (see the Author guidelines section).

Author Guidelines

Each article must be submitted with

  • an explicit, short and effective title (10 words, maximum 70 characters including spaces), translated into English ;
  • a French abstract —maximum 750 characters including spaces— which must be translated into English;
  • keywords corresponding to the indexation of the article —maximum 6 keywords in French translated into English;
  • a short biography of the author - maximum 400 characters including spaces.

Maximum number of characters

Authors are advised not to exceed:

  • for the Collection of articles and Varia secitons: 35,000 to 40,000 characters including spaces, notes, bibliography, abstracts and keywords;
  • for the Interviews, Experiments and State of research sections: 15,000 signs including spaces.

Text, headings and subheadings

  • Text should be in Times 12, free line spacing.
  • Headings and subheadings should not exceed one line. A hierarchy between the different levels of headings should be clearly established as follows:
    • Level 1 heading (in bold)
    • Level 2 heading (in red)
    • Level 3 headings should be avoided.

Citations and bibliography

  • References must comply with the 7th edition of the APA standard. The standard is directly accessible in bibliographic software such as Zotero.
Pour les titres d’ouvrage : un exemple
Pour les titres d’articles : un exemple

Tables, diagrams, graphs and photographs

  • Illustrations, tables, diagrams, graphs and photos must be of very high quality. Illustrations must be indicated in the text (e.g. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.).
  • Each illustration must be accompanied by a caption giving details for identification (e.g. author, title, date, place, copyright). For each document, the source must be indicated. For photos, indicate “Cliche author's name”.
  • Authors must ensure that their illustrations are free of copyright. Some illustrations require reproduction authorizations, which should be attached to the article (each illustration should be saved as a high‑definition PDF in a separate file, or as a .TIF / .TIFF file).

Inclusive writing

For further information on the policies and guidelines specific to each section, see:

Dossier n°66 - Dynamiques contemporaines de la communication interne

Communication & Organisation publishes two thematic collections of articles a year, chosen by the Editorial Team on the basis of proposals received. These thematic collections of articles are announced in calls for papers. Each call for papers specifies the submission deadline, guidelines and requirements for the dossier. See current calls for papers.
If you wish to keep abreast of the journal’s activities as soon as issues and calls for papers are published, you can subscribe to our mailing list:


Authors are welcome to submit papers for the Varia section at any time of the year, provided they comply with the journal’s editorial policy. Submissions must be entirely original and must not exceed 40,000 signs (including spaces, footnotes, bibliography, abstracts, keywords and appendices).
According to the biannual publication schedule, articles must be completed (positively evaluated and returned with any modifications in the correct format) by early March at the latest, for publication in June, and by early September for publication in December. The journal will accept up to 6 submissions per issue.


Articles for the Experiments section can be submitted throughout the year, provided they comply with the journal's editorial policy. The Experiments section is dedicated to submissions focusing on singular action-research or applied research practices, training initiatives, and all forms of innovation taking place within organisations. Communication professionals can also testify of issues, changes and developments in their field. This section aims at raising awareness of the current challenges faced by organisations.
Submissions to the Experiments section must be original and must not exceed 15,000 characters including spaces, footnotes, bibliography, abstracts, keywords and appendices.
According to the biannual publication schedule, texts must be completed by early March for publication in June, and by early September for publication in December.

Latest research

The Latest Research section is open to submissions throughout the year, provided the papers comply with the journal’s editorial policy. Submissions must be original and must not exceed 15,000 characters including spaces.
According to the biannual publication schedule, texts must be completed by early March for publication in June, and by early September for publication in December.


Authors may submit articles for the Interviews section throughout the year, provided they comply with the journal’s editorial policy. Submissions must be original and should not exceed 15,000 characters including spaces.
According to the biannual publication schedule, texts must be completed by early March for publication in June, and by early September for publication in December.

Book Reviews


The Book Reviews section aims at promoting recent books (2 to 3 years before the planned publication date) in the Humanities and Social Sciences, in Information and Communication Sciences, and particularly in Organisational Communication. Book reviews are critical accounts of books. They provide an overview of the book and its readership, and develop specific points of discussion that have aroused the reviewer's interest and reflection. To achieve this, book reviews are expected to highlight and even question the authors’ approach, their theoretical and epistemological frameworks, their methodology, etc.
The journal publishes 3 to 5 book reviews per issue. Book reviews can be submitted throughout the year. Under this heading, the journal considers submissions from established researchers, doctoral students and Master's students at the request of a professor, as long as the books reviewed are consistent with the journal’s editorial policy.
To comply with the journal’s typographical standards, please refer to the Author guidelines. Please pay particular attention to the points specified in this PDF (in French).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.