Oversimplification as Remediation: Roy Lichtenstein’s Paintings and 1960s Comics



Roy Lichtenstein, Pop Art, Comics, Painting, Remediation, Modernist Art, Media Studies, Contemporary Art Critics, Contemporary Art History, American Art History, American Comics History, Contemporary Art Reception


Within the Pop Art scene, the work of Roy Lichtenstein has been unquestionably associated with the language of comics. One of the approaches that could further contribute today to the discussion about the relationship between Lichtenstein’s paintings and comics may come from a comparison with the media studies of Jay Bolter and Richard Grusin. Their notion of remediation could help scholars to reframe Lichtenstein’s work in terms of a remediation of comics. However arguable this formula might be, this notion will allow us to better re-connect Lichtenstein’s formal strategy with the media culture and context of his period. In the first part of this essay I will try to describe the formalistic hybridization between comic style and the painting agenda carried out by Lichtenstein. In the second part I will explain on which basis this hybridization reveals some modernist contradictions about mass culture. Then in the third part, I will examine how Lichtenstein attempted to reform some aspects of comics in order to re-use them in his painting. Finally, I will speculate about the hypothetical audience addressed by Lichtenstein. Joining together different media, all along his career, he ended up reforming not only his favorite medium but both media, painting and comics at the same time.

Author Biography

Denis Viva, University of Trento

Denis Viva is adjunct professor of Contemporary Art History at the University of Trento and of Museum Practices at the University of Udine, in Italy. His main field of research is Italian Contemporary Art History, the remediation of visual resources in Modern and Postmodern Art, and the relationship between photography and the history of art display. He is the co-director of the Open Access journal www.palinsesti.net and one of the researchers who founded the on-line historical database for Italian Art reviews (www.capti.it). He worked as a curator for Mart Museum in Rovereto and he was among the curators of the Rome Quadriennale in 2016, with a project on “peripheral” artists. His current exhibition project is Paradoxa (Museum of Casa Cavazzini, Udine), an annual exhibition about Contemporary Asian / Far-East Art (2016-2018).




How to Cite

Viva, D. (2019). Oversimplification as Remediation: Roy Lichtenstein’s Paintings and 1960s Comics. Leaves, (7). Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/leaves/article/view/314



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