Rebuilding a house, reconstructing a world: Anthony Shadid’s House of Stone: a Memoir of Home, Family and a Lost Middle East


Mots-clés :

Littérature, Exil, Moyen-Orient, Mémoire, Reconstruction


House of Stone: a Memoir of Home, Family and a Lost Middle East est l'histoire d’un retour aux origines. Anthony Shadid y raconte le récit de ce que les gens du pays considèrent comme un projet fou, c’est à dire la reconstruction de la maison de ses ancêtres au Sud Liban, une région dévastée par la guerre. Cet article analyse ce récit en insistant sur la nature symbolique de la reconstruction de la maison des ancêtres sur une terre déchirée par des divisions politique, ethnique et religieuse. C’est un projet qui traduit le désir et l’espoir de transcender ces divisions et « recoller les morceaux » de la région.

Biographie de l'auteur

Larbi Touaf, Mohamed I University

Larbi Touaf is Associate Professor and former chair of the English Department at Mohammed I University, Oujda, Morocco. He has studied in Morocco, France and the USA. Touaf is a Fellow of the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, NY, and a Fulbright visiting Scholar at SUNY Cortland in 2013-14. He founded and coordinates The Identity and Difference Research Group at his university and has co-edited with Soumia Boutkhil a number of books among whichMinority Matters: Literature, Theory, Society (2005), Representing Minorities: Studies in Literature and Ciriticism (2006), and The World as A Global Agora: Critical Perspectives on Public Space (2008). Dr. Touaf is also a translator; his latest work in this field is Lucy Melbourne’s An American In Morocco/Une Americaine au Maroc (2008). A new edited book is due to appear in 2016 under the title: The Spring of Discontent: Women’s Rights after the Uprisings in North Africa. Newcastle, UK, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.




Comment citer

Touaf, L. (2015). Rebuilding a house, reconstructing a world: Anthony Shadid’s House of Stone: a Memoir of Home, Family and a Lost Middle East. Leaves, (1), 270–277. Consulté à l’adresse