Las víctimas indirectas del terrorismo de ETA en “Madres” de Fernando Aramburu o la puesta en escena de una comunidad alógena, doliente y silenciada


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Víctimas indirectas

How to Cite

CRÉMAUX-BOUCHE, D. (2024). Las víctimas indirectas del terrorismo de ETA en “Madres” de Fernando Aramburu o la puesta en escena de una comunidad alógena, doliente y silenciada. Conceφtos, (10). Retrieved from


The short story ‘Madres’, taken from Fernando Aramburu's collection Los peces de la amargura (2006), places the indirect victims of ETA's nationalist terrorism at the centre of the story. While terrorist violence divides, kills and ostracises a non-native community known as ‘the Spaniards’, Basque society and the indirect victims have to play a role of circumstance in order to survive and not suffer the reprisals of the nationalist community. The aim of this article is to study the representation of indirect victims and the violence to which they are subjected, analysing in particular the way in which Aramburu breaks down the masks to give back their face and their humanity to these victims who have been silenced for decades.  

Keywords: Aramburu, Indirect victims, Terrorism, Nationalism, Theater.

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