Teaching distinction: the role of food. The treatise by González de Salcedo, Pedro, Nutrición real
Couverture du n°03 de Conceptos : Alimentation et disinction
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Middle Ages

How to Cite

PEYREBONNE, N. (2024). Teaching distinction: the role of food. The treatise by González de Salcedo, Pedro, Nutrición real. Conceφtos, (3), 70–78. Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/conceptos/article/view/178


González de Salcedo’s text, Nutrición real..., published in 1671, is an education manual for the royal children between the ages of 7 and 14. Of the twenty-seven chapters that the text contains, seven are devoted entirely to the way in which they should feed themselves. Their study reveals that, if some of the recommendations put forward can be related to those generally present in the treaties of manners of the time, the treaty differs from these last ones by certain distinctive features, which make it possible to identify the stakes of the text.

PDF (Français (France))
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