Feminist reflection on the notions of transmission and authority in the field of knowledge
Couverture du n°07 de Conceptos : Autorité(s) et transmission dans les mondes hispaniques et hispano-américains
PDF (Français (France))


Women and knowledge
Male authority
Feminist genealogy

How to Cite

TOUTON, I., & NOÛS, C. (2024). Feminist reflection on the notions of transmission and authority in the field of knowledge. Conceφtos, (7), 103–124. Retrieved from https://revues.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/conceptos/article/view/119


A feminist reflection on the notions of transmission and authority in the field of knowledge. From a diachronic perspective and focusing essentially on a Spanish and French corpus and context, this article proposes a general reflection on the place of a knowledge elaborated, applied and transmitted by women in the past, and the way in which they have been generally disauthorised by most male voices and institutions. From this, a reflection is made on what this androcentric and authoritarian legacy does to the transmission of knowledge in the academic and intellectual world today.

PDF (Français (France))
Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Isabelle TOUTON and Camille NOÛS