
Before submitting any paper to either section, please see the Submit page and its Author Guidelines.

Collection of articles

Communication & Organisation publishes two thematic collections of articles a year, chosen by the Editorial Team on the basis of proposals received. These thematic collections are announced in calls for papers. Each call for papers specifies the submission deadline, guidelines and requirements for the dossier. See current calls for papers.
If you wish to keep abreast of the journal’s activities as soon as issues and calls for papers are published, you can subscribe to our mailing list:

Make a submission to the Collection of articles section.


Authors are welcome to submit papers for the Varia section at any time of the year, provided they comply with the journal’s editorial policy. Submissions must be entirely original and must not exceed 40,000 signs (including spaces, footnotes, bibliography, abstracts, keywords and appendices).
According to the biannual publication schedule, articles must be completed (positively evaluated and returned with any modifications in the correct format) by early March at the latest, for publication in June, and by early September for publication in December. The journal will accept up to 6 submissions per issue.

Make a submission to the Varia section.


Articles for the Experiments section can be submitted throughout the year, provided they comply with the journal’s editorial policy. The Experiments section is dedicated to submissions focusing on singular action-research or applied research practices, training initiatives, and all forms of innovation taking place within organisations. Communication professionals can also testify of issues, changes and developments in their field. This section aims at raising awareness of the current challenges faced by organisations.
Submissions to the Experiments section must be original and must not exceed 15,000 characters including spaces, footnotes, bibliography, abstracts, keywords and appendices. They are reviewed by the editorial board, not by the double blind peer review.
According to the biannual publication schedule, texts must be completed by early March for publication in June, and by early September for publication in December.

Make a submission to the Experiments section.

Book Reviews

The Book Reviews section aims at promoting recent books (2 to 3 years before the planned publication date) in the Humanities and Social Sciences, in Information and Communication Sciences, and particularly in Organisational Communication. Book reviews are critical accounts of books. They provide an overview of the book and its readership, and develop specific points of discussion that have aroused the reviewer's interest and reflection. To achieve this, book reviews are expected to highlight and even question the authors’ approach, their theoretical and epistemological frameworks, their methodology, etc.
The journal publishes 3 to 5 book reviews per issue. Book reviews can be submitted throughout the year. Under this heading, the journal considers submissions from established researchers, doctoral students and Master's students at the request of a professor, as long as the books reviewed are consistent with the journal’s editorial policy.
To comply with the journal’s typographical standards, please refer to the Author guidelines. Please pay particular attention to the points specified in this PDF (in French).

The journal calls for reviews of books received by the editorial team. For further information, please contact Ugo Roux ( or Éloïse Vanderlinden (
You can send the Editorial team recent works for review. Recent works in the humanities and social sciences consistent with the journal’s editorial policy are welcome. To send your book:

Ugo Roux et Eloise Vanderlinden
c/o Hélène Michaud
PUB, Presses universitaires de Bordeaux
Bureau F 010, Domaine universitaire
F-33607 PESSAC Cedex

Make a submission to the Book Reviews section.