Interview with Bruce Bégout
Couverture du n°02 de Conceptos : L'ordinaire / Lo ordinario


Bruce Bégout

How to Cite

ESTÈVE, R., & BÉGOUT, B. (2024). Interview with Bruce Bégout. Conceφtos, (2), 1–20. Retrieved from


Bruce Bégout is a philosopher, essayist and novelist. His many philosophical publications include, in explicit affinity with the theme of this dossier, La Découverte du quotidien. Éléments pour une phénoménologie du monde de la vie (2005), Pensées privées : Journal philosophique (1998-2006) (2007), and most recently Le concept d'ambiance (2020). His work as an essayist is also very much in touch with the theme of the ordinary, as evidenced by his apprehensions of urban space in Zéropolis. L'expérience de Las Vegas (2002) and Lieu commun. Le motel américain (2003). In 2008, he also published De la décence ordinaire. Court essai sur une idée fondamentale de la pensée politique de George Orwell. Finally, he is a novelist, his two latest publications in this field being On ne dormira jamais, (2017) and Le Sauvetage (2018).

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Copyright (c) 2020 Raphaël ESTÈVE y Bruce BÉGOUT