For a critique of microfiction
Couverture du n°01 de Conceptos : Microfiction/Microficción
PDF (Español (España))


Flash fiction
Suspense of brevity
Mind game

How to Cite

BRAVO, F. (2024). For a critique of microfiction: Introduction. Conceφtos, (1), I-XII. Retrieved from


This introduction assesses the critical reach of microfiction as a concept and problematizes the paradoxical status of the flash fiction, halfway between mind game and artistic imposture. We postulate the existence of a “suspense of brevity”, a procedural suspense entirely turned towards the mechanisms of writing, which integrates the work of reading –the very exegesis of the tale– as a part of the fiction. Between revolution and aesthetic impasse, the famous monophrastic tale of Monterroso, paradigmatic summary of all the paradoxes on which the genre feeds, serves as a common thread for reflection.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Federico BRAVO