Crisis and transformation of the party system in Spain. A generational approach (2011-2018)
Couverture du n°03 de Conceptos : Alimentation et disinction
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Political crisis in Spain
Generational renewal
Political elites

How to Cite

IMÍZCOZ, J. (2024). Crisis and transformation of the party system in Spain. A generational approach (2011-2018). Conceφtos, (3), 177–198. Retrieved from


This work addresses the crisis and the transformation of the party system in Spain during the second decade of the 21th century from a generational perspective. It will be devoted to the study of the evolution of the electoral participation of the Spanish youth during the political crisis of the country, understanding by “youth” to those members of the generation born during the Governments by Felipe González (1982-1996). Closely linked to this monitoring, we will analyze the way in which the transformation of the electoral habits of this generation in relation to the previous ones, marked by its majority commitment to regeneration options, had an impact on the acceleration of the generational renewal of the Spanish political class. currently one of the youngest in Europe.

PDF (Español (España))
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Copyright (c) 2021 Javier IMÍZCOZ