The Late Gothic royal banquet: a ritual model in the Iberian courts at the end of the Middle Ages
Couverture du n°03 de Conceptos : Alimentation et disinction
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Late Gothic

How to Cite

NOGALES RINCÓN, D. (2024). The Late Gothic royal banquet: a ritual model in the Iberian courts at the end of the Middle Ages. Conceφtos, (3), 79–106. Retrieved from


This paper aims to study the the Late Gothic royal banquet model in the Iberian Peninsula, with the goal of highlighting its main aesthetic and ideological components. For this, elements such as the banquet delicacies, the table service rituals, the ways in which the dishes were displayed, the theatrical acts associated with the banquet or the use of the ceremonial space will be analyzed. Likewise, the possible routes of cultural exchange that contributed to the definition of this ritual model throughout the final decades of the Middle Ages in the Peninsula will also be studied.

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Copyright (c) 2021 David NOGALES RINCÓN