Black feminism in Brazil in dialogue with black feminism in the United States and Latin American decolonial feminism
Couverture du n°05 de Conceptos : Déclinaisons post/dé/coloniales en contextes de langue portugaise
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Black feminism
Decolonial feminism
United States
Latin America

How to Cite

FIGUEIREDO, E. (2024). Black feminism in Brazil in dialogue with black feminism in the United States and Latin American decolonial feminism. Conceφtos, (5), 91–106. Retrieved from


Black feminism in Brazil arose from the intertwining of black movements and white feminism in the 1970s, similarly to what occurred in the United States, while de-colonial feminism, a more recent phenomenon, concerns more directly indigenous populations. This article holds that these plural feminisms derive from the same epistemological and political postulates. Lélia Gonzalez (1935-1994) and Sueli Carneiro (born 1950) are the two prominent figures who contributed to the emergence of the black feminist movement.

PDF (Français (France))
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