The Origins of the juridical-political notion of debdo. The textual strength of the Partidas of Alfonso X
Couverture du hors-série n°01 de Conceptos : Savoir et pouvoir sous Alphonse X. Idéaux et réalités
PDF (Français (France))


Link of dependency
Political discourse
Alphonse X
Textual analysis

How to Cite

HEUSCH, C. (2024). The Origins of the juridical-political notion of debdo. The textual strength of the Partidas of Alfonso X. Conceφtos, (HS01), 55–63. Retrieved from


The notion of naturaleza is the touchstone of the Alfonsine legal project. It defines a link of dependency, conceived as an obligation or debdo. This work will focus on this concept, which originally does not belong to the political or legal field but to the economic one, by exploring . the polysemy of this term as well as defining the different semantic shifts that operate in the Alfonsine texts.

PDF (Français (France))
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Copyright (c) 2022 Carlos HEUSCH