Towards a typology of the texts of the Gongorine polemic
Couverture du n°06 de Conceptos : La controverse
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Gongonrine polemic

How to Cite

ELVIRA, M. (2024). Towards a typology of the texts of the Gongorine polemic. Conceφtos, (6), 119–143. Retrieved from


This paper offers a reasoned typology of the texts contained in the new catalog of the polemic upon Góngora's poetry produced by Mercedes Blanco, Muriel Elvira and Aude Plagnard. This catalog lists 222 texts written between 1612 and 1692 which contain a value judgment on the poetic work of Don Luis de Góngora. The purpose of this typology is to observe which genres are most represented in this new expanded corpus in order to draw a number of conclusions about the characteristics of this important literary quarrel. We first observe the low presence of strictly polemical genres (the pamphlet and, to a lesser extent, the apology), then we successively analyze the three most common literary and didactic genres: poems, paratexts and letters.

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